April 10, 2016

Be Glad About It

There is something that never changes and we should be glad about it.

Read: Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.



April 9, 2016


We have to put our own desires in check.

Read: James 1:14-15 

But each one is tempted when he is dragged away, enticed and baited [to commit sin] by his own [worldly] desire (lust, passion). 15 Then when the illicit desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin has run its course, it gives birth to death.


April 8, 2016

Be Wise

Choose wise Godly people for your friends.

Read: Proverbs 13:20 

He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise,

But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm.


April 7, 2016


An Idol is anything you put before God. You can miss the grace of God chasing Idols.

Read: Jonah 2:8 

“Those who regard and follow worthless idols

[a]Turn away from their [living source of] mercy and lovingkindness.


April 6, 2016

Don’t Doubt

Do not offer the devil a target by doubting.

Read: John 20:27 

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!”


April 5, 2016


It is better to be alone than to be in the wrong company. Associate with those who bring out the best in you.

Read: Proverbs 27:19

As water reflects the face,

so a person’s heart reflects the person.


April 4, 2016


God dwells in you. You are His mouth, legs and hands in the Earth. So, pray for others and share him with everyone you come in contact with.

Read: I Corinthians 3:9 

For we are God’s fellow workers [His servants working together]; you are God’s cultivated field [His garden, His vineyard], God’s building.

April 3, 2016

Be Careful

You must be careful who you associate with, avoid treacherous people.

Read: Proverbs 13:2 

Wise words will win you a good meal,

   but treacherous people have an appetite for violence.



April 2, 2016

Remember Remember

Don’t be deceived, we are in a war and not with humans. When you are bombarded with doubts, fear, suspicion and darkness that’s the enemy satan. Stay in faith and remember you are more than a conqueror through Christ.

Read: Ephesians 6:12 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.


April 1, 2016

Age Doesn’t Matter

With God age doesn’t matter.  He will always take care of you.

Read: Isaiah 46:4 

I will be your God throughout your lifetime—

   until your hair is white with age.

I made you, and I will care for you.

   I will carry you along and save you.