A wise person knows there is no substitute for hard work. Read: II Chronicles 31:21 (Click on link below for today’s Scripture)
A wise person knows there is no substitute for hard work. Read: II Chronicles 31:21 (Click on link below for today’s Scripture)
You’ll find that anger never solves a problem and generally it makes things worst. Read Proverbs 19:11 (Click on link below to read today’s Scripture).
Do not be quick to dismiss an idea or suggestion. It may be life changing if you let it breath. Read: Matthew 19:26 (Click on link below to read todays Scripture).
It really is the little things you do in life that can mushroom into really big things. Read: Matthew 25:21 (Click on link below to read today’s Scripture)
When you learn to walk in truth and contentment trusting God…you will have the inner peace required to weather any storm. Read: Philippians 4:11-13 (click on link below to read todays Scripture)
Now have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
There are some people that do not want to be corrected! Protect yourself and leave them alone. Read: Proverbs 9:7 (Click on link and read the Scripture)
God doesn’t need us to pretend we have everything together. Bring your shattered hopes and what you truly need to Him. He can heal you completely of anything. Read: Ephesians 3:20. Click on the link below and read the Scripture.
Be careful how you speak every word today. Do not be reckless but careful. Read: Proverbs 12:18-19
Be happy, have a good time, laugh and be cheerful. Now that’s what promotes good health. Read:Proverbs 17:22
Holding a grudge or over emphasizing a mistake can drive a wedge between relationships. Recognize that some mistakes are not worth mentioning nor are they life threatening either and hold your peace. Read: I Corinthians 13:7-8