It is out of your own vision that you can begin to brighten your world. Read: Matthew 7:8 AMP.
Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
It is out of your own vision that you can begin to brighten your world. Read: Matthew 7:8 AMP.
Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
It’s okay to dream about tomorrow and what you hope to be but live in the present. Take care of first things first. Read: Matthew 6:33-34
The best and first answer to fear is NO. If a robber comes to steal your goods say NO. Courage is resistance to fear, stand firm and be courageous. Read: Ephesians 6:13-17
The solutions to most problems are more simple then we think. They stem from an understanding of basic principals, the why’s of life. The person who knows how has a job. The person who knows why is their boss. Read: Proverbs 16:16; this is a Proverb we all should do.
It doesn’t matter where you are today in life, you can use your circumstances for your benefit. Difficult circumstances can make you determined to succeed if you keep the right attitude. Read: I John 5:4
Whether you work with your hands or your mind loving what you do is the secret to having fun. Find out what you enjoy doing and have fun doing it! Read: Jeremiah 6:16 NIV
Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
A dream, a target, a mark or a goal. In the long run you’ll only achieve what you aim at…Read: I Corinthians 9:26 NLT
Find a reason to enjoy a hearty laugh today. Read: Proverbs 15:13
Find a reason to enjoy hearty laugh today. Read: Proverbs 15:13
The willingness to serve others is the essence of true leadership. Read: Matthew 23:11