Standing your ground may not seem important to othere’s but the mighty oak tree once was just a little nut that stood it’s ground. Clearly the righteous cannot be uprooted. Read: Proverbs 12:3
Month: May 2007
With or Without
God heals the believer because of His covenant of healing and faith. God heals the unbeliever because of His mercy. This is one reason the believer receives with faith and the unbeliever receives without faith. Read: Matthew 5:44-45
To many times when money speaks the truth is ignored and paid no attention to…be careful not to be pulled into a trap because of money. Read: I Timothy 6:10 (NLT)
Real Friends
Real friends are those who when you’ve made a fool of yourself, don’t feel you’ve done a permanent job. They keep loving you anyway. Read: I Corinthians 13:4-8.
Have a wonderful and safe week-end along with a fun holiday and remember GO TO CHURCH!
You Make The Choice
Some people complain because God put thorns on roses while people like us praise Him for putting roses among thorns. Just consider the benefit of choosing the optimistic route rather than being a voice complaining about every little thing! Read: Philippians 4:8 (NKJ)
It is never good to under estimate the enemy. God gives us clear direction to conquer your enemy and show no mercy. When you’ve been delivered from the enemy no matter what that is…do not recross the bridge God has delivered you from; determine today to give no place to what once had you bound. Read: Deuteronomy 7:1-2
A Good Name
Work with and associate with those who have sterling reputations. Your own reputation is less likely to become tarnished. It’s better to die with a good name than to live with a bad one. Read: Ecclesiastes 7:1, Proverbs 22:1
Whole Heart
God can heal a broken heart. You just got to give him all the pieces. Remember, God wants the very best for you at all times. Trust Him with your whole heart. He is the heart surgeon. Read: Proverbs 23:26
If your answer is no make it mean something. No is one of the few words that can never be misunderstood. Read: Matthew 5:37 (NASB)
Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
Watching You – Corrected
You’ve got to do what is honest and right at all times. True character is revealed by what you do when no one is watching. Read: Ephesians 6:6 (NIV)