Stop and ask for good advice before moving forward. Read: Proverbs 12:15 (click on link below and read Proverbs 12 verse 15)
Stop and ask for good advice before moving forward. Read: Proverbs 12:15 (click on link below and read Proverbs 12 verse 15)
Be careful how you say what you say, write what you write and do what you do. Especially today. Read: Proverbs 13:3 (Click on link below to read Proverbs 13 verse 3).
Pray about everything. If you are facing a challenge, a difficult situation and if you’re sick, pray. Read: James 5:13-15 (click on link below to read today’s Scripture). Now have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
People may be nice and they can even be sweet but do not loan anything to a stranger. Read: Proverbs 11:15 (click on link below to read today’s Scripture).
Humble is the right look. It goes with everything. Read: Proverbs 3:34
Proverbs 3:34 “The Lord mocks at mockers, but He shows favor to the humble”. (NLT)
Give your best effort today and you’ll reap blessings. Read: Proverbs 10:4
Be sure anger never leads you and get rid of a short temper. Read:Proverbs 14:17
Appreciate who you are and the gifts and talents God has given you. You are one of a kind and very special. Read: Psalm 139:13-14 (click on link below to read today’s Scripture). Now have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
You can overcome evil by doing good things in your part of the world. Read: Romans: 12:21 (click on link below to read today’s Scripture).
Temptation is tempting. Don’t follow it. Be wise, walk away. Read: Proverbs 23:19 (click on link below to read today’s Scripture).