April 30, 2009


Excuse yourself from the company of rude, vulgar and mean spirited people. Protect yourself. Read Matthew 7:6 (click on link below and read verse 6).


April 29, 2009

Give Out

Make it a practice to give out what you want to receive.  Giving respect, kindness and love is good to give out. Read: Matthew 7:12 (click on link below and read verse 12).


April 28, 2009


Don’t let difficulty keep you in a box. Trust God instead. Read: Isaiah 40:31 (click on link below and read verse 31).


April 27, 2009

Take Heed

When you think you’re tougher than tough and you know you won’t slip into sin is exactly the time when you can fall. The only way to prevent that fall is to stay close to God. Read I Corinthians 10:12-13. (click on link below and read verses 12 and 13).


April 24, 2009


Have a great week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!

Good Idea

When in the company of those who openly discuss everyone’s business; it’s a good idea to keep your business to yourself.  Read: Proverbs 20:19 (click on link below and read verse 19).


April 23, 2009

Use It

The evil one has no power over you. All he can do is lie to you, tempt you and try to scare you. God has given you authority over all of that. Use it! Read: Luke 10:19 and II Thessalonians 3:3 (click on links below and read verse 19 then click on second link and read verse 3).



Use It

The evil one has no power over you. All he can do is lie to you, tempt you and try to scare you. God has given you authority over all of that. Use it! Read: Luke 10:19 and II Thessalonians 3:3 (click on links below and read verse 19 then click on second link and read verse 3).



April 22, 2009

Check It Out

Don’t believe everything you hear at face value. Check it out thoroughly so you can know it is true. Read: Acts 17:11 (click on link below and read verse 11. Look at verse 12 too if you want more information).


April 21, 2009

Be Cool

Someone is pushing for a fight. Let them push on alone. You be cool. Read: Proverbs 20:3 (click on link below and read verse 3).
