A smile and laughter should be apart of your life. Laughter has no negative side effects. Read: Proverbs 17:22
Month: June 2008
God given dreams are always big. Dream them on behalf of you an your family. All of us can do more then we think we can. Read: Proverbs 16:9 http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults2.php?passage1=Proverbs+16&book_id=24&version1=51&tp=31&c=16
Have a blessed week-end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
Encourage yourself to dream big! Now motivate yourself to turn your dreams into something real. Read: Philippians 4:13 http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults2.php?passage1=Philippians+4&book_id=57&version1=51&tp=4&c=4
Take A Chance
It takes courage to take a chance. If you do your homework, work hard and truly believe in your dream; you can accomplish great things Read: Matthew 14:28-29 http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults2.php?passage1=Matthew+14&book_id=47&version1=51&tp=28&c=14
Keep Your Cool
Things change, delays happen and every now and then mix ups occur. Be patient and let things work out. Allow for delays and keep your cool. Read Proverbs 16:32
Being Wise
We are wise when we set our sights on what God tells us to do and do that with all our heart. Read: James 1:22
No Worries
Stay away from stress, fear and worry. These things are designed to make you fail. Instead read: I Peter 5:7
Have a wonderful week end and remember Go To Church!
It Is Possible
You can become the person you really want to be. It is Possible! And everything you need will be supplied. Read: Philippians 4:19
Give & Receive
What we give out we will receive. Good and bad applies here. Read: Galatians 6:7-8
If things seem tough and tight ask God for help and direction. He is in charge and knows which way you should go. Read: Luke 1:37