It’s OK to be inspired by role models but use that inspiration to develop your own uniqueness. God has gifted you too! Be original. Read: I Timothy 4:14
Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
It’s OK to be inspired by role models but use that inspiration to develop your own uniqueness. God has gifted you too! Be original. Read: I Timothy 4:14
Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
There are a few things you should avoid discussing with co-workers. Your salary, your medical history, your love life and what you are angry about. Read: Proverbs 29:11
Things seem tight at times and goals out of reach. The news of the day doesn’t make you smile. Just don’t panic remain calm. There is One looking out for you. Read: Isaiah 41:10
Everyday we must be equipped to deal with the demands of the day. Exercising discipline is a key to achieving amazing victory. Read: Proverbs 5:23
Sometimes we slip and sometimes we stumble. We try to get it right but sometimes we miss it too. Keep striving for your goals anyway and read Psalm 37:24
Pompous individuals are usually stingy and tight. Individuals wrapped up in themselves make a very small package. They become boring too.Read: Proverbs 18:2
Have a safe and restful week-end and remember GO TO CHURCH!
Dreaming, hoping, and wishing is good but it takes more than turning things over in our minds to plough a field. We also must do something with our hands. We must put our hands to work too. Read: I Thessalonians 4:11-12
When you concentrate on running down others usually the only one that gets run down is you. Two things are hard on the heart;running upstairs and running down people Read: Ephesians 4:29
Be strong when opposition approaches you and don’t get discouraged when things don’t go your way. The struggles big and small are necessary to build Faith. Read: Proverbs 24;10
Grab hold to a positive thought and don’t let go. It isn’t your position that makes you happy or unhappy. It’s your disposition. Read I Timothy 6:6-7