It is wise to discipline your children God’s way.
Read: Proverbs 23:13-14
Don’t fail to discipline your children.
The rod of punishment won’t kill them.
14 Physical discipline
may well save them from death.[a]
It is wise to discipline your children God’s way.
Read: Proverbs 23:13-14
Don’t fail to discipline your children.
The rod of punishment won’t kill them.
14 Physical discipline
may well save them from death.[a]
It’s nice to know you are not alone.
Read: 2 Corinthians 12:15
I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me.
You do not have to carry what you can’t carry anyway.
Read: Psalm 55:22
Give your burdens to the Lord,
and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
Close friends, family and people can let you down. Some things can be very disappointing, but thank God today who always rescues us from it all.
Read: Psalm 55:12-14,16-17,19
12 It is not an enemy who taunts me—
I could bear that.
It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me—
I could have hidden from them.
13 Instead, it is you—my equal,
my companion and close friend.
14 What good fellowship we once enjoyed
as we walked together to the house of God.
But I will call on God,
and the Lord will rescue me.
17 Morning, noon, and night
I cry out in my distress,
and the Lord hears my voice.
Too often we blame the outside when the real problem is within.
Read: Psalm 55:10
Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders,
but the real danger is wickedness within the city.
Access the situation and then pray. It is good to know what to pray when in a battle.
Read: Psalm 55:9
Confuse them, Lord, and frustrate their plans,
for I see violence and conflict in the city.
Hold tight to God’s unchanging Word and be comforted.
Read: Psalms 119:143
As pressure and stress bear down on me,
I find joy in your commands.
Obedience is always the best course of action.
Read: Proverbs 7:1-3
1 Follow my advice, my son;
always treasure my commands.
2 Obey my commands and live!
Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes.
3 Tie them on your fingers as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
Here is the reward for listening to the right instructions.
Read: Proverb 1:33
But all who listen to me will live in peace,
untroubled by fear of harm.”
Never ignore God’s instructions. When He speaks, listen. When He calls, come.
Read: Proverbs 1:25-28
You ignored my advice
and rejected the correction I offered.
26 So I will laugh when you are in trouble!
I will mock you when disaster overtakes you—
27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone,
and anguish and distress overwhelm you.
28 “When they cry for help, I will not answer.
Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me.