March 30, 2007

Living In Peace

No one’s life is completely perfect. Sometimes just living in peace is the greatest success a Family can know.  Success is being able to come home, lay your head on the pillow and sleep in peace.  Read: Philippians 4:4-7

Now have a fun, peaceful and restful week-end and remember GO TO CHURCH!

March 29, 2007

Face It Head On

Are you facing an obstacle that seems insurmountable? Perhaps it’s time to identify its’ source and face it head on! The enemy doesn’t show up with horns and a tale, usually the enemy looks like an angel of light. The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy. Then face it head on. Read: I Peter 5:8-9

March 28, 2007


Hypocrisy results when your walk doesn’t correspond with your talk.  When what you do falls short of what you promised. Others are forced to conclude you are  Living a lie.  When you claim you have faith in God but your life is devoid of works of faith. Start today making good on the promises you’ve made to others. Be a good example by honoring your word and God. Respect for God should be Seen! Read: James 2:14, Joshua 21:43-45

March 26, 2007


There is a name for people who are not excited about their work…unemployed. Everything you do, do it whole heartily and you’ll be blessed! Read: Colossians 3:23

I’ll miss you until Wednesday.

March 23, 2007


Enjoy a safe week-end and remember  GO TO CHURCH!


Happiness does not come wrapped in brightly colored packages as a “gift” given to us by others. Happiness comes when we uncover the gifts that lie within us and begin to use them to please God and bless others. Happiness flows from within. It rises up in life’s greatest tragedies when we choose to smile at what we know to be good and lasting, rather than to cry at what temporarily hurts us. The person who is born with a talent which is suppose to be used finds their greatest happiness in using it. Happiness is a choice. Read: Acts 20:24 TLB, Joshua 24:15, Psalm 144:15

March 22, 2007


Learning how to work together and how to live together in peace is the maintenance of love. Marriages are suppose to be complementary; a man and a women pulling together as one, not in competition with one another. A marriage may be made in heaven, but the maintenance must be done on earth. Read: Ephesians 5:33


Learning how to work together and how to live together in peace is the maintenance of love. Marriages are suppose to be complementary; two pulling together as one, not in competition with one another. A marriage may be made in heaven but the maintenance must be done on earth. Read: Ephesians 5:33

March 21, 2007

Spanking Is Good

Spanking is not abuse.  Abuse is rooted in a parents uncontrolled expression of power. Discipline is intended to restrain and re-channel a child’s uncontrolled expression of power. Abuse never has a place but spanking is good.  Too many parents are not on spanking terms with their children and it shows. Read: Proverbs 13:24

March 20, 2007

True Friends

True friendship is not based on what a friend does for you, but on what they mean to you. We should make it a practice of doing to our friends what we would have them do to us.  Read: Luke 6:31