October 17, 2007

Heavy Ax

Authority without wisdom is like a heavy ax falling in the wrong places at the wrong time. There’s little gain by making someone feel worse about a matter when they already feel bad. Use authority to build others up and you’ll feel so much better too! Read: 2 Corinthians 10:8

October 15, 2007

Give It

People never get tired of hearing good news about themselves. When it’s in your hands to give good news, give it! Read: Ephesians 4:29

October 12, 2007


The strongest evidence of anyone’s love is personal sacrifice.  Read: John 3:16

Have a blessed week end and remember GO TO CHURCH!

October 9, 2007


Responsibility is built as we take life in stride. Acknowledge failures, disappointments and faults.  Assume your responsibilities and you’ll grow strong in character.  Read: Luke 12:43

October 8, 2007


The person who operates in truths has nothing to fear from lies. Read: Psalm 40:11

October 5, 2007


The choices you make not only impact your future but the future of your Family, Friends and Associates. Make sure you have their best in mind in your decisions today. Read: Joshua 24:15

Have a blessed week-end and remember GO TO CHURCH!

October 3, 2007


Don’t put your trust in what you see around you. Trust in money and you may have it taken from you.Trusting man is questionable. Put your trust in God and you are never to be confounded in time or eternity. Read Psalm 118:8

October 2, 2007

Go For It

Grab a hold to every promise you know God has promised to those who believe and obey Him. Go for it! His promise will come to past. Read: Joshua 21:45

October 1, 2007

Tell The Truth

Lying doesn’t come in degrees big or little. A lie is a lie, Truth is the truth. If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything. Tell the truth! Read: Proverbs 12:17-19