March 12, 2007

Fault Finding

Bury the faults of friends and loved ones. Pointing out the faults of others can do you no good. Rather help one another to be better when you can. Read: Ephesians 4:32

February 8, 2007

Honor Regrets…

You may get away with an evil deed and not be branded for it visibly, but evil deeds always brand your heart. A person of honor regrets a discreditable act even when it has worked. The only true way to change a brand on the heart is to repent and say, “I’m sorry”. Read: Ecclesiastes 10:2

January 25, 2007

Get Going – Corrected

So you made a bad decision and you won’t do it again. Now keep on going! Do not trip over what’s behind you. Rather press on and get going towards your goal, your hope, your dream. Don’t give up!!!! Read: Philippians 3:13-14

Get Going

So you made a bad decision. And you won’t do that again. Now keep on going! Do not  trip over what’s behind you rather press on and get going towards your goal, your hope, your dream. Don’t give up!!!! Read: Philippians 3:13-14

January 1, 2007

Acting Just Like…

Relationships don’t flourish and become prosperous because the guilty are punished. They thrive because the innocent are forgiving and merciful; acting just like God…Read: Psalm 103:8-10

Happy New Year! 


December 7, 2006

When Life Happens’

Even when things simply go left; a friend betrays you, your close companions ignores you need them right this moment and life just is a little painful now… Ask God to help you to forgive those you love and heal your heart too.  Deep down you still care and that’s love too.  Read: Psalm 55:12-13, Psalm 55:16

Have a Blessed Week End and Remember Go to CHURCH!!! 

November 1, 2006


When you find yourself at odds with someone, go to that person and ask what the two of you can do to reconcile. You will be pleased to find out the other person wanted reconciliation too.  Temper is what gets most of us into trouble.  Pride is what keeps us there.  Read: Proverbs 16:18-19

October 24, 2006

The Guilty Party

Too often we are willing to let a guilty party take the full brunt of their punishment. The issue doesn’t have to be crime it could be disappointment. The best way to restore a relationship is to reach out in love anyway. Those who deserve love the least need it the most. This does not mean you condone the guilty’s action.  It does mean that you refuse to condemn the person.  Read Matthew 5:44-48

July 26, 2006

No Matter What!

Your moods may shift, but God’s doesn’t. 

Our minds may change, but God’s doesn’t. 

Our devotion to Him may falter, but God’s 

Never does. Even if we are faithless, He is 

Faithful, for He cannot betray Himself. He 

Is a sure God. He loves us no matter what! 


Read: 2 Timothy 2:13 


April 24, 2006


Too many of us live for revenge. We hold grudges, 

letting them burn inside, then they explode into 

damaging ourselves internally breaking out in 

dis-ease which brings diseases. “Vengeance is 

mine, saith the Lord.” When someone wrongs you, your 

responsibility is to forgive, not to punish. If someone 

has done an injustice to you, God will call that person 

to answer for his/her actions.  Nothing good can come 

from a spirit of revenge. It is through forgiveness that 

God can move mightily on your behalf. 


Read: Romans 12:19-21 

          Deuteronomy 32:35 

          Psalms 91:2-3