October 11, 2021


Believers are supposed to lead.

Read: Genesis 1:26

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

October 10, 2021


Oftentimes silence is the wisest move to make.

Read: Job 13:5

5 If only you could be silent!
That’s the wisest thing you could do.

October 9, 2021

Call Him

God has limitless resources. He has all the power to help in any situation. Call out to Him.

Read: Psalm 30:2-3

O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you restored my health.
3 You brought me up from the grave, O Lord.
You kept me from falling into the pit of death.

October 8, 2021


All of our victories lie with the Lord!

Read: Psalm 33:17,20

Don’t count on your warhorse to give you victory—
for all its strength, it cannot save you.

20 We put our hope in the Lord.
He is our help and our shield.

October 7, 2021


We receive our desired harvest when we have patience and trust in God.

Read: Luke 8:15

And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.

October 6, 2021


Make all the plans you want, but our steps are ordered.

Read: Proverbs 16:9

We can make our plans,

but the Lord determines our steps.

October 5, 2021


When you stand firm allowing your faith to grow, you’ll find yourself complete, wanting nothing.

Read: James 1:4

So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

October 4, 2021


This has been given to us!

Read: John 14:27

I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

October 3, 2021


Hear the whole story before you respond.

Read: Proverbs 18:13

Anyone who answers without listening
is foolish and confused.

October 2, 2021

Making Peace

The right thing to do is to make peace and help one another.

Read: Romans 14:19

So let us try to do what makes peace and helps one another.