April 7, 2008


Never stop learning. There is always room to increase and improve your abilities. Let go of the mindset you have arrived. Read: Proverbs 1:5

April 4, 2008


The Lord never called us to be successful, only to be faithful. Our obligation is to do the right thing; the rest is in God’s hands. Read: I John 2:28-29

Have a wonderful week-end and remember go to CHURCH!

April 3, 2008

Be Responsible

Your family may or may not provide solid roots from which you can grow. You alone are responsible for the fruit you produce. Read: Philippians 3:14-16

April 2, 2008


Procrastination is a thief. Don’t let it rob you! Read: Proverbs 18:9

April 1, 2008

Be Careful

When you soar like an eagle, you attract hunters. Be careful! Read: I Peter 5:8