January 9, 2007

True Love

True love isn’t expressed in hollow words.  It is shown through firm commitment and obeying God.  Read: John 14:15

January 8, 2007

Just Because…

Just because God created man from dust  doesn’t mean we have to treat one another like dirt.  Rather let us be kind one to another. Read: Romans 12:10

January 5, 2007

The Truth

His name the nane of Jesus is the only name that will take you from earth to heaven when you die.  You will be granted entrance because you accepted the free gift of eternal life..nothing more, nothing less and nothing else.  Read: John 14:6.

Have a Blesed week-end and remember GO TO CHURCH!

January 4, 2007


Todays world offers so much temptation that it seems impossible to resist.  Let us remember God is always there ready to fight the battle with us; giving us a way of escape.  Read: I Corinthians 10:13

January 3, 2007

Backbone -Correction

Many of us whose intentions where good failed because we had our wishbone were our backbone should be.  So let us be strong. Read: Joshua 1:9


So many of us whose intentions where good failed because we had our wishbone were our backbone should be.  So let us be strong and courageous. Read: Joshua 1:9

January 2, 2007

Your Path

You have to make a choice about which way you’re going to go. Remember it’s always right to walk straight ahead on the path of truth. Walk towards GOD.  Read: Psalm 1:1-2


January 1, 2007

Acting Just Like…

Relationships don’t flourish and become prosperous because the guilty are punished. They thrive because the innocent are forgiving and merciful; acting just like God…Read: Psalm 103:8-10

Happy New Year!